Frequently asked questions

Evaluation Criteria
What is the Ecobank Fintech Challenge?
What kinds of solutions are eligible for the Challenge?
What benefits and opportunities do Ecobank Fintech Finalists stand to gain?
Who is eligible to participate in the Challenge?
Is there an application fee to join the Challenge?
How do I apply to the Challenge?
When is the application deadline?
Do I have to compulsorily complete my application at one sitting?
Can I submit more than one product to the Challenge?
Can I submit my application in any other language apart from English?
Can I apply as an individual?
Can I apply with more than one product from my startup?
Is it compulsory to submit a demo as part of the application?
What constitutes a demo for the fintech Challenge?
Can I participate if my Fintech company is not based in Africa?
Can I participate in the Ecobank Fintech Challenge if I have an existing partnership with Ecobank?
How long does the Ecobank Fintech Challenge run for?
Don’t find your answer? We’re here to help
© Copyright Ecobank Transnational Inc. Reg no. 1986 B 1575 (May 2, 1986. Lomé -Togo) Authorised Financial Services Provider and a registered credit provider (NCRCP7)